This article will give a comprehensive explanation on the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) that has been implemented with logging into your Microsoft Office 365 web apps.
Click Here for additional documentation on how to login with MFA
To access your email and all your Microsoft Apps that comes with your Western Seminary account you can get there with various URL’s that’ll go to the same place. *To navigate Microsoft 365 simply click the multiple dots icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen to jump anywhere.
Step 1.
When you access any of the above URL’s (Uniform Resource Locator) and you enter your Western email and your password you will see a page that says “More information required”, click Ok and you will see this image

*If you so choose you can use the Microsoft Authenticator app you put on your phone which is an alternative to texting a code to your phone number. It is the most modern & secure way of using MFA apart from using a security key (ex. Yubi Key).
If you do not want to use the Microsoft Authenticator app please select “I want to set up a different method”.
Step 2.

If you select phone as your verification method you will put in your phone number and it will send a code to your phone and you input that code in the next screen. If you chose the authenticator option through the mobile Microsoft Authenticator app you will enter the code that shows on your phone and it’ll say verified.
After you choose and verify your security method.
The sign on request will kick in and depending on the MFA security option you chose you will see this image. You can check the box, “Don’t Ask again for 120 days” to save a cookie in your browser so you don’t have to always login with MFA. *Remember, if you do use a different browser or erase your cookies in some way you will be greeted by this screen again and have to login with MFA.

I messed something up! What do I do!?!
Please go to
If for some reason you put in the wrong information, or you want to add or delete a security method you can change it all as well as your password by signing in and clicking on your name in the upper right corner and selecting View account underneath your email. You will see this image below. Select Security info and you can delete any security methods shown, log out, and restart the MFA process.
If you happened to choose the Microsoft Authenticator method and you locked yourself out, and if you did not choose a phone number or email as another alternative method of verification you will have to contact contact from another email account or call the main Western Seminary line to get in contact with the IT department to reset your MFA.